
The wedding of Figaro

(As I am running out of MB this is super short)

The first point on today’s agenda was: City Market also known as Paddy’s Market.
On our way to Sydney Aquarium we walked through Chinatown and Darling Harbour.

Maria from Team Benn’s had arranged we could see the premiere of the Mozart opera: “The wedding of Figaro.” All I had to do was to pick up the tickets at the Box Office. So today we had the opportunity to see the Opera House from the spectators point of view. It was my first opera so I guess that Sydney Opera House is not a bad place to start. And just for the record I can confirm: “It isn’t over before the fat lady sings." ;-)

I do not think that I will spoil it for anybody by revealing that Figaro got married after all.

1 comment:

  1. Hello No, wonderfull to see your adventure.

    Have a fantastic trip. Hope to see you this summer.

    All the best!
