
Canberra - Sydney

Today was the last day driving, we are going to stay in Sydney for the rest of the time left. Before leaving Canberra we stopped at Canberra Glassworks where it is possible to see glassmaking as it happen and view an unique exhibition.

 On road to Sydney I decided for a detour and turned off the GPS. How difficult can it be to navigate in an unknown country? Well, at first it went according to plan but after a while we saw a road sign with the name on the town we just came from. We then did a u-turn and a couple of questionable turns ending up in front of this:

You are sitting in a 2-wheel drive designed for tarmac only, in front of a stream crossing the road with no idea which way to go, what would you do?
I of cause choose to continue and crossed the stream but when the road turned into a steep dirt road I u-turned and drove back over the stream and back to a road the GPS could find and came back on track and left the GPS on for the rest of the day.

We then came to Robertson aiming for Albion Park. It was a mountain pass with hairpin bends and a 10% steep way down. What a fantastic drive.

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