
Blue Mountain

Today we were on a one day trip to  Blue MountainThe tour started in front of the hotel at 7:15.   

The bus that picked us up was also the one going to Blue Mountain so we did not have to change at the bus hub.

After 1h 30 min driving we stopped in Leura a small town in the mountains outside Sydney. Just at the restaurant an attempt to set a Guinness World Record in most people dancing Charleston was going on outside at the main street.

Even though the whole area is covered with green trees it is called the Blue Mountains because the fumes from the eucalyptus oil in the trees reflects the blue colour and gives the mountains a blue gleam.

After the coffee break we continued to The Three Sisters, which is just a fantastic view.

The Scenic World visitor centre is placed on top of the mountain; we then took a cableway down to the rainforest and did the 45 min walk (on board walks) and a Trainway brought us back up again. When entering the seats we were leaning backwards to the degree of almost laying down, but after a few meters it felt we were leaning forwards. Did I mention it is the steepest railway in the world with a 52-degree ascent?

Then we went to the Sky Way a return trip over a 270 m deep canyon. (Starting to get used to hights.)

Next stop was Featherdale Wildlife Park a private owned zoo with a big diversity of Australia’s wildlife.
Among other species we also saw this little creature, a Tasmanian Devil.

On the way back we drove by the Olympic City and saw some of the stadiums (from the outside). 

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