

As yesterday today was mostly transportation and as we started out from Merimbula, we found some sandwich and coffee at a bakery down town and drove off. After typing in the address for the hotel in the GPS I noticed the arrival time was 1:30PM.

Driving at Princes Highway we saw some fantastic nature. At the most beautiful views it was impossible to stop, and when it was possible to stop it was difficult to take a picture that would capture the scenery.

At most town’s there is an info centre, they are a gold mine of suggestions of what to see and what to do in the local area, further they got a lot of detailed maps. They are easily found by the yellow “i” on a blue background. But if you are in a hurry you should try to avoid them, because it take long time to do a visit, especially if you tell you are from Denmark. And if you are the only costumer in the shop they are also very talkative.

We tried to follow one of the suggested Tourist Drives but returned to Princes Highway fairly quickly. Did I mention it was a fantastic drive?

After lunch at Batemans Bay we went on to Braidwood, it is said to be a historic town, and it properly is but it is not shown. It looked pretty “normal” to me. We tried to drive around to see if anything of interest would show up but decided to continue after a few minutes.

In Canberry we stopped at the info centre and was told it was to late to see any attractions, as it was 4:30PM even though the GPS said we should arrive 1:30PM we had stopped at to many info centres and done to many detours. So we went to the Danish embassy to take a photo and then drove to the hotel to check in.

We had a 7:30PM reservation at the Alto Tower restaurant, a rotating restaurant 60 meters above ground level with a fantastic view. During the meal we did a little more than a 360 degree rotation as one rotation takes about 90 minutes.

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