
Backstage Tour

Today started early. We had to be at the Sydney Opera House stage door at 6:45 for our backstage tour.
Our hotel is situated out side the centre of Sydney so for all our events a good deal of planning the transportation is needed. We had planned to take the bus, bought tickets, and asked for departure time and was told the busses started 4:00AM. Some properly did, but not the one we should use, it first started 7:00AM. So we walked for 45 min and got to the stage door just in time.

 It was very interesting to see the condition that the performers and employees have to work under. Many of the difficulties they suffer under today can be traced back to the dismissal of Utzon.

We took a stroll around Circular Quay and the Rock’s. Circular Quay, is the hub of Sydney’s public transportation system. From here, ferries, buses, and trains will take you anywhere in the “Harbour City.”
The Rock’s is the oldest part of Sydney with many of the old buildings restored and still in use with many pub’s, cafĂ©’s and souvenir stores.  As it was Sunday The Rocks Market (www.therocksmarket.com), the city’s “premier” farmers and authentic Australian products marketplace, was in full swing at George Street.

At corner of Argyle and Lower Fort Street is The Garrison Church www.thegarrisonchurch.org.au). Built in 1843, this is Australia’s oldest church.
And just beside the church at Argyle Street we saw the Argyle Cut a tunnel dug through the hillside by convicts.

In the afternoon we did some Sydney sightseeing by bus.

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